Fighting For Our Lives

Man on a Mission: "Fighting For Our Lives"

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Special Edition

I almost feel like this message should be part of an introductory packet to the city of Chicago offered at the Welcome Center We begin this week with Jesus' baptism as the perfect Son of God Matthew 3:13-17

  • It is Jesus' 30th year and the beginning of His three year ministry that would turn the planet upside down and literally save the world.  Baptisms in the culture were symbolic of purification and washing.  It was also indicative of priests being set apart for their divine and holy service.
  • Once again, Christ set an example for us with his baptism.  He was perfect in his righteousness, but did all to fulfill the law and lead by example.  In effect, He has never asked or commanded us to do anything, as we remain in Him, that He has not done Himself.  This includes his victory over temptation and sin in the daily bouts of life.
  • It is significant that at the beginning of His ministry, as in the beginning of this church, it commences with a fight.

Matthew 4:1-17

*The Spirit of God led Jesus into the desert, not to tempt Jesus, but into warfare, being tempted by Satan.  Without a doubt, we are in a fight of faith that will either refine us like gold as God intends, or destroy our lives as the enemy desires (ref. John 10:10).  There is no demilitarized zone.  (Rest comes solely in the presence of God.)

  • There are many types of resistance from Satan's forces, but the names utilized for our enemy tells us a lot about one of the components of the battle in which we find ourselves:
    • Devil (Greek: Diabolos) means accuser, slanderer.  The word was used for that sinful activity in instructing the church.
    • Tempter (Greek: Peirazo) means to try, test by solicitation, entice, allure.  Different from another Greek word dokimazo which means to test in order to prove someone good.  Peirazo involves entanglement to discover someone's weakness or strength in attempts to show them unacceptable.

“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.” 
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

It was after Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights in the desert that the enemy brought the onslaught of temptation. The same is true for us in the wilderness periods of our lives when we feel like the things that normally satisfy (in relationships, work or pleasures) are withheld from us for a season. It is here when our love for God and His bride are tested.  If Jesus had faltered, we all would have been lost.

If you don't embrace the fact that there is going to be, without a doubt, warfare in your life, you will waste your emotional energy on two things rather than one.  You will not only be fighting the battle itself, but you will spend strength that should have otherwise been allocated to the fight condemning yourself for even being in a fight.  This is inappropriate since the Son of God Himself modeled the fight.  Focus and expend your spiritual vigor accordingly.

  • I've never spoken to a veteran that enjoys the battle, with bullets flying and the threat of death surrounding them.  It is a healthy fear however, that preserves their life.
  • God is showing us clearly that, like Jesus, as we step out to reach a city, there will be increased spiritual warfare for which we must be ready.

A traditional understanding of where these attacks lay are:

  1. Jesus' appetites (fleshly desires for sex, sensory indulgence and physical food)
  2. Jesus' sense of testing the boundaries It is here that we find Satan's manipulation of Scripture.  It is the trap that many fall into because they do not study the Scripture to understand context or God's intended meaning.  Rather they go on what they are taught by the diatribes of popular culture raging against God, or the church providing tradition which inadvertently misleads its followers and separates its adherents from the head (Matthew 15 - we'll discuss more later)
  3. The allure of power for Jesus (fame, riches and prestige fall under these categories.  The things that you are willing to sacrifice to obtain these are tested here.  Many a man and woman have lost integrity, family and purity on these fronts - i.e. - the business community and entertainment industry)

Spiritual warfare = nonsensical conclusions based on the facts

These attacks against Jesus had nothing to do with reality.  He had already been confirmed audibly and publically as the unique Son of God by the Father.  However, Satan makes a direct attack on His identity (and thus His place of importance in the world and to others), His relationship with the Father and His abilities.

  • The attacks against us come in the similar ways, many times directly assaulting what should be most obvious, or our areas of strength.  This can be in a relationship, a gifting, or your very security before and from God.  Where the greatest attacks lay often indicate the greatest places of promise from God.

Where is the battle?: In our emotions and in our thought life II Corinth 10

Hence that general is skilful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skilful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

It is when we don't acknowledge the reality of the enemy's unseen attacks in our relationships, when we are discouraged and when we have trials, that He is able to win the fight.

The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.” 
― Charles Baudelaire, or Keyser Soze from The Usual Suspects

The tactics of the enemy:

  1. Accusation - Revelation 12
  2. Discouragement and Isolation - Psalm 2; Hebrews 3

*Co-Dependent Mentalities are a trap of the enemy

Independent Responsibility, Interdependent Relationships is where God wants to take us for health and victory

  • If you continually blame your shortcomings or sin on a lack of accountability or help given by others, you are living with a co-dependent mentality that will leave you crippled.
  • Here in this culture, Sunday isn't a day for God, it's a day for me so that I can rest and revitalize myself, rewarding myself for a long work week. In doing so, I cut off the very mechanism, the gathering of the brethren, which God has given to strengthen us in our core, our spirit, from whence all life flows.

It is in this place that we learn to use these weapons found in God's Word:

  1. Memorial stones of Gods faithfulness as a weapon.
  2. Speak to our souls - the Psalms (i.e. - Psalm 57:8)
  3. Every sigh turned into a prayer

* If we will allow Jesus to lead us through these trials, we, like him, become more than conquerors (Romans 8 - we're seeing how all Scripture works together).  Jesus' destination was not to live in the desert, it was a passing through. We don't need to camp there in our mentalities.

* Our sin is never just about us.  It affects families, churches and cities.  In the same way, our victories in Christ are never just about us.  God wants to release generational blessings through the obedience of individuals and communities of faith!

Jesus emerging as more than a conqueror had a message to preach to others to see them set free:  Repent (Change your mind and actions) for the Kingdom of Heaven is near! (Matthew 4:12-17)

If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.” 
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Practical Faith Challenge of the Week: This week, identify where the enemy's attacks have been in your life and apply the good news of God's word for your freedom and someone of like condition.

This week read Matthew 4:18-25 in preparation for "Man on a Mission" Part 5 - "Following and Fishing"

2nd City Church - Man on a Mission Sermon Series 2012